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Luckylight (佳光)

Luckylight (佳光)

Luckylight佳光电子有限公司是专业从事研发、生产、销售 LED 光电器件的高新技术企业。

Luckylight佳光在中国拥有三个生产工厂, 拥有高素质(本科学历占 20%)与稳定(5 年以上年资占 80%)的优秀干部,近 30 年 的研发与生产实力,在客户与供应商的鼎力支持下,让公司在日益竞争的环境中奠定永续经营的基础。

Luckylight佳光的产品广泛应用于电脑周边、消费电子、家用电器,IT 通讯、汽车、照明、工业自动控制感应及各种光源 应用,产品得到全球各地客户的认可. Luckylight佳光拥有全系列的光电元器件产品线,主要包括白光 LEDs,高功率 LEDs、 SMD LEDs、直插型 LED、数码管、背光源及红外线产品等,且被业界认可是光电器件解决方案的专业供应商。

Luckylight佳光一直以高标准的品质政策导向完成各项认证,质量类认证 ISO9001,汽车类有 TS16949,环境类有 ISO14001, 同时导入 RoHS 和 REACH 系统管理。


Luckylight Electronics Co., Ltd is a professional LED manufacturer and supplier, which specializes in R&D, producing and selling LED products.

Luckylight people are highly educated with 20% advanced degrees and experienced (80% of managers with more than 5 years of service). Our 30 years of experience in LED design and manufacturing, with support from our loyal customers and suppliers, has formed the foundation of our competitive strength.

Our products are widely used for applications ranging from computers, consumer electronics, automotive, lighting, and many other purposes. Luckylight provides a diverse product portfolio consisting of High Power LEDs, SMD Chip LEDs, Through Hole Lamp, Lighting Components, LED Lighting Modules, Digital Displays, backlighting module and Infrared Components for various applications. The Luckylight brand is trusted by customers world-wide as a world-class manufacturer of LEDs.

Luckylight maintains the highest quality standards, recognized with ISO 9001 quality, TS 16949 automotive, and ISO 14001 environmental certifications, RoHS, REACH system certification.

Building on its professional packaging designs and sophisticated manufacturing experience, Luckylight not only has been able to provide customers with high-quality LED components solutions, but also has been constantly pursuing for high performance and low-pollutant light sources as the major goal.

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